Sonic Dusk: Veshall

This Saturday, on June 19th, from 19:30, the musical group “Veshall” will be the upcoming guests of Sonic Dusk. The band consisting of Taylor Veshall on the string instrument ‘cumbus’, Dilshat Veshall on clarinet, Shenoll Veshall on accordion and Misket Deliballta on percussion, will play a diverse repertoire of cultures and traditions from the region. The performance will start off with a few songs by the young duo of Blenard Avdo on vocals and Fatih Qukiqi on guitar.

Tickets priced 2 euros are available for purchase at Lumbardhi’s cafe. We look forward to seeing you in Kino Bahçe!

This concert is supported by the “Cultural Spaces of Kosovo” project, financed by the European Union and the Municipality of Prizren.