Exhibition: What if history belonged to us?
Curated by: Kumjana Novakova
Opening: Monday, Aug 08, 2022, 20h00 Shani Efendi House
Aug 09 > Sept 30
10:00 – 20:00
What might a feminist past traced by and with the others, look like?
Can we pluralize history?
Can we break linearity and propose the coexistence of many microhistories?
Can we grow (new) presents from the many other pasts?
What if history belonged to us? is a space that sprouts from these possibilities and nurtures different and diverse subjectivities.
We enter an exercise of worldmaking, a playground for speculative histories and futures and think of our own past / present / future as “what if…”: as in “what if national histories were feminist?”, “what if others were not erased from world-making”, “what if others were written into our culture”.
Parallel to the newly commissioned work by Diana Toucedo, the exhibition introduces the still invisible works of art from the peripheries, also, as an act of counter history to the Western feminist monoculture. Artists such as Azra Aksamija, Delphine Seyrig, Doplgenger, belit sağ, and Norika Sefa will be shown.
Thus, we will together propose acts of active subjectivities of history.
Azra Aksamija
belit sa
Delphine Seyrig
Diana Toucedo
Norika Sefa
Curator of the exhibition: Kumjana Novakova
Exhibition design collaborator: Nisa Bujari
Production: Ares Shporta
Production assistant: Fjolla Rabi
Visual identity and graphic design: Ali Cindoruk
Communication coordinator: Edi Gashi
Editor and Translator: Fjolla Hoxha
Administration and finances: Dua Misolli
This exhibition has been generously supported by all the artists and collaborators involved, and financially supported by the Swiss Development Cooperation, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, Municipality of Prizren, CHwB Kosova, DokuFest, the French Embassy, the Centre audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir and Anibar.